How Often Are Tire Rotations Needed?

Tire Rotations in %(CITY, IN

At Ed Martin Toyota, we know how important it is for you to have your vehicle running in top condition. Take care of your tires can go a long way towards ensuring your vehicle lasts for years. Regular tire rotations mean that your tires will wear evenly, which helps you have better handling and traction on the road. Ready to learn more? Read on to learn more about what to expect when you get a tire rotation, how they can save you from needing new tires, and how often to get this service done at Ed Martin Toyota.

How often should I have my tires rotated?

Generally, most auto-care professionals will recommend having your tires rotated every six months or 7,500 miles, whichever comes first. This isn't always the case for every vehicle though, so it’s always a good idea to check your owner’s manual and consider the amount of use the vehicle does. If you want to keep things simple, consider getting your tires rotated each time you get an oil change.

What happens when I bring my car or truck in for a tire rotation?

when you come in for a tire rotation, our service experts will remove, swap, and remount your tires according to the amount of wear found on each one. This will typically involve swapping your front and back tires to allow for even wear and use. Rotating the tires helps distribute the wear among all four tires, which helps you get the most out of each one before having to come in for replacements.

How do regular tire rotations help me?

Regularly getting your tires rotated can help a ton when it comes to keeping your tires in working condition, and helps to prevent damage and tire blowouts. Cutting down the odds of experiencing these issues will reduce your risk of an inconvenient or potentially dangerous accident. Regular tire rotations also increase the overall lifespan of your tires, which saves you money over time.

Tire rotations are key to getting the best performance out of your vehicle. If you’re struggling to remember when your last tire rotation was, make an appointment for a tire rotation at Ed Martin Toyota today.